National Safety Month: Safety Tips for Your Family


June is National Safety Month, when the National Safety Council and hundreds of other organizations work to raise awareness of how you can prevent accidents at home, at work, and on the road. This month, we’re sharing safety tips to help you and your family stay safe. Learn what you can do to prevent accidents.

At Home

Accidents at home are especially dangerous for young children, but you can easily prevent injuries by observing some safe habits.

  • Avoid burns by always placing hot food and drinks away from the edge of surfaces, never placing hot dishes on tablecloths that children can pull, and by turning pot handles away from the edge of the stove.
  • Never leave candles burning without supervision, and keep them away from flammable materials and out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Keep walkways and stairs clear of clutter, such as shoes and toys.
  • Install sturdy handrails near all stairs in your home and yard.
  • Make sure that your home and yard are well lit to prevent tripping.
  • If you have a pool, ensure that it properly fenced with self-latching gates.

At Work

Workplace accidents can cost employers thousands of dollars and can leave employees struggling to make ends meet until they are well enough to return to work. Protect yourself and your coworkers by following these tips.

  • Familiarize yourself with and always follow all safety procedures and policies that your company has in place.
  • Always wear protective gear, as needed or instructed.
  • Dress appropriately for your work environment, including close-toed shoes, protective clothing, tying back long hair, and forgoing long jewelry or accessories that could be caught.
  • Always report injuries to your supervisor as soon as possible.

On the Road

No matter how long you’ve been driving, you still can brush up on safety tips to help you prevent accidents on the road.

  • Always follow all road laws and rules, including the speed limit.
  • Slow down when driving in traffic, at night, in poor weather, in construction zones, and other busy areas.
  • Drive with your teen driver often to ensure they get plenty of practice behind the wheel.
  • Invest in a roadside assistance membership and pack a roadside safety kit in your car in case of an emergency.
  • Always keep your car well maintained for the best handling and safety.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Santa Clarita personal injury attorney. At the Law Office of Robert J. Kaiser, we are prepared to help you navigate your case and receive the compensation you deserve. Learn how we can help you by requesting a free consultation with our team.

Contact our offices today. Call (661) 441-3446.
